Lindsay Mills
Lindsay is the Director of Matchmaking and Recruitment for Executive Matchmakers. She is an Oklahoma native with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Tulsa. Prior to joining the matchmaking scene in 2011, Lindsay worked in a variety of industries including Commercial Real Estate and Marketing for Hollywood’s Elite. Her relationships in the Entertainment industry inspired her to use her talents to bring people together and help them find love. Lindsay’s passion is helping others create their own unique love story.
The Science Behind Women’s Intuition
August 30, 2024
History and science both agree women’s intuition is more than just a myth. Listen to that little voice in your head; trust your gut. It might just save you a lot of heartbreak.
How to Make Time for a Relationship
August 2, 2024
We all have a finite amount of time, and the way we choose to spend it says a lot about what we value. In a world where we're constantly juggling work, family, social obligations, and personal interests, it's easy to let our relationships take a backseat. But if a loving partnership is important to you, prioritizing what truly matters is essential.
The 2022 Holiday Gift Guide
December 2, 2021
Every winter, Christmas comes and goes. But, for those dating in December, there’s one pesky question that stays evergreen: What should I get for the one most special to me? Gift-giving is never easy. But, if your significant other seems to already have all they could ever wish for, the pressure to impress can feel downright impossible.
Those who “have it all” tend to agree that their most meaningful presents usually weren’t the most expensive. They were great, however, because they were given with love. Worried you’ll need a Christmas miracle to pull off the perfect gift for your partner? Here’s our guide for giving to someone who already has it all.
Traveling Together For the First Time
May 24, 2021
Experiencing new things together—places, food, art, culture, anything can help solidify the bond you have already created. Traveling together, sharing experiences, romantic moments, getting away from the daily grind—all of these things cause your brain to release the happy hormones.
But we’ve all heard disaster stories of couples who broke up in every country on their European trip or fought their way across the Caribbean islands. How do you keep your romantic rendezvous from being a trip of terror?
Relationship Resolutions for the New Year
December 30, 2020
I think it is safe to say we are all more than ready to say goodbye to 2020. But now is the time to really reflect on your year and start to develop a plan for 2021 and beyond. How do you want to work on yourself? What sort of relationship resolutions do you want to put out into the universe?
The only true control we have in this world is over ourselves and our actions. You can’t change other peoples’ behaviors—only your own. Therefore, any real change starts from within.
Whether you want to develop a healthier work/life balance, start a new exercise regimen, or meet the love of your life next year, you need to start putting in the work today.
Are You Feeling Lonely or Are You Just Alone?
December 2, 2020
One can be standing in an arena full of people and still feel completely alone. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. On the other hand, you’re capable of feeling fulfilled even when you’re all by yourself.
Today, I want to focus on providing strategies that will help you achieve the latter.
According to Psychology Today, long-term feelings of loneliness can have the same physical impact on the body as smoking or obesity. Extended social isolation can even lead to PTSD, anxiety, and addiction.