Anniversary Traditions That Keep Happy Couples Happy
In the early years of parenthood, it’s easy to forget to how important it is to keep the romance alive with time for just the two of you. Pick somewhere dreamy that reflects the things you enjoy together. Pick somewhere dreamy that reflects the things you enjoy together. Read More…

5 Pretty Genius Ways To Turn Him On Without Touching
The eyes are the window into the soul, and they’re also going to turn you into a really good flirt, Charlee Brotherton, matchmaker and founder of Executive Matchmakers, says. “So much can be transmitted through how you look at someone and how you move around them.” Read More…

How To Prep Your Bedroom For A Big Date | Compete Gentlemen's Guide
“Women are keen observers, and without you even realizing it, your date will be taking in clues about who you are from the smallest details in your home, “ says Charlee Brotherton, top matchmaker and founder of Executive Matchmakers. “What she’s looking for are signs of maturity and availability.” Read More…

Matchmaking: Closing The Love Gap In Silicon Valley
There are dating apps aplenty these days, but the experience can be inefficient on both sides of the equation. The lopsided experience – not to mention the time investment required for busy professionals – means that traditional matchmaking services like Executive Matchmakers, offering personalized experiences and candidate screening as opposed to rapid-fire algorithms, are making a comeback. Read More….

Matchmaking Service Takes On Some Of Bay Area’s Toughest Clients: Techies
What’s even harder than recruiting a great engineer in Silicon Valley? Recruiting a date. Executive Matchmakers, aimed at busy techies is looking to change just that. CEO Charlee Brotherton, a veteran of the matchmaking industry, says “We’re very much like a headhunter would be for a business, but for someone’s love life,” she says. “And our busy clients see that value of what we do.” Read More….

New Bay Area Matchmaking Firm Targets Niche Market: Wealthy Single Men
A typical client is too busy for traditional online dating and is willing to pay Buquen and her staff to find a single woman who’s right for him in the company’s “Proprietary Black Book,” a database with a growing number of what the firm describes as “the most beautiful, eligible and desirable single women in Northern California.” Read More…

How Many People You Should Date Before Settling Down, According To Experts
The real danger comes from settling down before you are feeling ready. The decision needs to come from inside, not from external pressure. Otherwise, when push comes to shove in a relationship, it’s going to be hard to stick it out. Read More…

9 Matchmakers Share Their Best Dating Advice For Singles
So in honor of the professionals who pair us up when we’re too busy to date, not finding quality matches, or choosing the wrong people again (and again), let’s celebrate the holiday with matchmakers’ best dating advice. Here’s the best advice the pros who save us from swiping on mirror selfie after mirror selfie have to offer singles about how to date better: Read More…

9 Easy Ways to Help Your Antisocial Husband Make Friends
If you want your dude to get a life, you need this expert advice.
By Lauren Brown West-Rosenthal
“Ultimately, making friends is his responsibility,” says Charlee Brotherton, relationship expert and CEO of Executive Matchmakers. “Rather than twisting his arm to make plans, consider doing more group activities and inviting your husband so that he can establish the friendship until it is more natural for them to initiate plans with each other.” Read More…